
Mental Health: Determines how we handle stress, stay positive, and make decisions

The term “ Mental Health” varies from person to person. For some people, mental health is self-satisfaction; for some people, mental health is being positive; for some people, mental health focuses on the present and finds happiness. For me, my mental health is self-satisfaction, happiness, and positivity. Why do I describe them as my mental health? Because when I am satisfied, positive and happy I feel this is heaven for me. I feel mental peace and satisfaction and that is why I described these terms as my mental health. Scientifically mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, how we feel mentally, how we handle stress and make decisions, and our positivity. Mental health is a very sensitive part of our life. Mental health is connected with our physical health. Now the question is how? If you notice then you can see that at some particular moment of your life which is so important for you, you might feel stressed, nervous, anx...


 "Brain-dump" This term is a simple technique to help you declutter your mind and thoughts. Sometimes it happens that there's a lot of things to do and that thoughts are roaming around your mind and brain. These thoughts are roaming so much that you get puzzled that what to do first and finally you get into this puzzle and stuck there. In that case, braindump gonna help you.  How?  Just take a paper and pen or wherever you can write, just take it and start writing every word that comes into your mind. You don't need to organize it now. Just keep writing. This is called braindump. It means to clear your brain by writing your thoughts. Now your brain is free. So you are seeing that actually what your thoughts are. Now analyse which one is important or which one you should do first. Then just organize your work as per priority. This is how the term " Brain-Dump" works.

Your strong mindset is your reality

A strong mindset is something that allows you to stay positive, stay determined, stay focused on your intentions. A strong mindset will not let you give up on something. In your journey to achieve your goal, a strong mindset is the main element of your journey. In our daily life, we have to face a lot of obstacles. It is the reality of your everyday life. In that case, if you do not have a strong mindset then the obstacles can easily grab your mind and make you a failure, failure is indeed the pillar of success. But for achieving success, you have to try again and again. A strong mindset gives you the energy to try again and again and reach your desired goal. Your strong mindset can help you to create a strong personality. Now the question is how? When your mindset is strong you will find the things below in yourself Confident A strong attitude that makes you more attractive. positivity Embrace your own hell Committed  Can control your mind and empower yourself Focused Ambitious Th...

Your stress can be your weapon of progress if you know how to use it

Stress is a common term in our life. We all experience stress in different ways. Sometimes stress is positive because it makes you alert about your works, motivates you to embrace risks, your deadlines and this stress make happen to complete your task. For example, if your exam is knocking at your door, stress can be so responsive to work hard for your exams and stay awake. But this positiveness of stress is okay till it doesn't cross the limits. When it crossed the limit it starts spreading its negativity which causes us different mentally issues and creates a hindrance to reaching life goals. Stress can attack you both physically and mentally. Stress management is so important for productivity in the workplace. Because stress is okay till a certain level. But when it crosses its level then the disaster moment of your life gets activated. Now the question is how a person can understand how far the stress level is okay? The answer is when a person is experiencing some symptoms like...

Friendship, a relation that makes the good times better and the hard times easier

If one tries to explain what a friendship is then the words will less to explain it. Friendship is a relationship that is beyond words, beyond imagination and beyond everything. A true friend is someone who has your back no matter how hard the time or situation is, a true friend is someone where you can put your trust without any fear and again a true friend is someone where you won't feel any kinda hesitation to open up. But in this era you know what is hard to find? A true friend. Yes, a true friend is so hard to find cause this era is polluted with fake people. So here who is being honest with you and who is being fake with you it's hard to find. But if you have found a true friend then you must have to admit that it's a blessing that you got it. From the very beginning, when we arrive in this world, this world is unknown to us except for our parents. Here we meet our first friend, our parents. Yes, the relation with your parents is a great example of true friendship. Th...

Does money can buy your happiness or your achievements can give the way to earn money??

 Achievement is something that give you the self motivation. No matter how much smaller it is but mind it that it is your achievement. Don't think that achievements are so easy to achieve. No. You have to struggle for even a little achievement. Not everyone get the chance to achieve something starting with something small. If you get the chance to achieve something then remember it's a direction to develop your growth of talent. But you have to keep trying. There should be no option to give up. In our life, we all agree that money is important. But money can't buy your self satisfaction. You find your self satisfaction when you  achieve something which inspired you to catch your goal. There's is an argument between "Money can not buy your happiness and Money is everything that can buy your happiness". It's true that money can not buy your happiness because money can not buy your achievements and if you can buy it then it is not your achievement rather it w...

Your healthy lifestyle is related to your psychological growth

Lifestyle is a term that refers to the way that a person live his/her life. Lifestyle is a tremendous part of your life cause this is the way you are comfortable to lead your life. Your healthy lifestyle can help you to achieve your desired goals and this achievement can help you for your psychological growth. What is a healthy lifestyle? A healthy lifestyle means which improves your physical and mental health and also makes you confident. Your lifestyle is something that can represent you to the world that how you are living your life. Maintaining hygiene, having healthy food, drinking plenty of water, doing exercises , maintaining a healthy routine and doing own religion prayers is included in a healthy lifestyle. How lifestyle is connected to your psychological growth?  Psychological growth means the growth that helps you to accomplish your external assessments and also improve your inner self. Your lifestyle helps you to grow your confidence level and when a person is confident...