Does money can buy your happiness or your achievements can give the way to earn money??
Achievement is something that give you the self motivation. No matter how much smaller it is but mind it that it is your achievement. Don't think that achievements are so easy to achieve. No. You have to struggle for even a little achievement. Not everyone get the chance to achieve something starting with something small. If you get the chance to achieve something then remember it's a direction to develop your growth of talent. But you have to keep trying. There should be no option to give up.
In our life, we all agree that money is important. But money can't buy your self satisfaction. You find your self satisfaction when you achieve something which inspired you to catch your goal. There's is an argument between "Money can not buy your happiness and Money is everything that can buy your happiness". It's true that money can not buy your happiness because money can not buy your achievements and if you can buy it then it is not your achievement rather it will turn into a gambling and betray with your own self which is self destructive. But also it is true that money can buy your happiness. Cause sometimes if you want to achieve something then you have to expand your knowledge by theoretically and also practically and in this point you need money to experience something practically.
Your achievements can be the way to earn money. When you start achieving small achievements that give you the confidence to run to your next level of achievement. This long run opens the way to earn money. So here the most important thing is how much you are confident about yourself and you will know this throughout your journey to achieve your different levels of achievements. It's like a game. When you play a game, there you will find a lot of levels and you will face obstacles to complete every level. Our life is also the same. There will be a lot of obstacles in our long run towards achievement but the way you overcome obstacles in the game, the same way you have to overcome it in your real life. Overcoming each obstacle is one of your achievement. So remember one thing that your achievements can make you smile and also your achievements can give you everything that you want.
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