Mental Health: Determines how we handle stress, stay positive, and make decisions

The term “ Mental Health” varies from person to person. For some people, mental health is self-satisfaction; for some people, mental health is being positive; for some people, mental health focuses on the present and finds happiness. For me, my mental health is self-satisfaction, happiness, and positivity. Why do I describe them as my mental health? Because when I am satisfied, positive and happy I feel this is heaven for me. I feel mental peace and satisfaction and that is why I described these terms as my mental health.

Scientifically mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, how we feel mentally, how we handle stress and make decisions, and our positivity. Mental health is a very sensitive part of our life. Mental health is connected with our physical health. Now the question is how? If you notice then you can see that at some particular moment of your life which is so important for you, you might feel stressed, nervous, anxious. But sometimes you can not manage these inner feelings and that time these convert into physical issues like you might experience nausea, headache, chest pain, sweating, and so many different issues. You experience these physical issues out of extreme mental pressure which you are unable to manage.

Mental health determines how you handle stress, stay positive, and make decisions. Stress is a feeling that feels when you feel pressure on yourself. Stress is manageable if you know your pattern of mental health. But often we do not know our mental health patterns. For instance- I feel  headache when I am under stress. This is how I identify my stress and this is a pattern of mine. So if you know your pattern then you can make you calm down. As per my pattern, I can identify my stress through headaches. So when I am aware that I am under stress then I can try to make myself calm down by handling stress. I can meditate or do any kind of mental health exercises or I can just avoid the stress by doing the kinds of stuff that I like to do. But knowing your pattern still might not be enough to manage your stress sometimes and this might make you physically sick. Another thing is staying positive. It is not possible always to stay positive when you are around some negative energy. To stay positive, the first thing you have to do is stay around positive people and avoid negativity. When you are around a positive mindset, you can learn how to think about a negative thing positively. Suppose you are concerned about your fitness but you have gained weight. How to convert it into a positive way? Well, that time you can identify the reason for gaining weight and can give yourself a deadline that in between this time you have to lose this much weight. This is a probable positive way to handle your weight gaining problem. But just think, if you start panicking that you have gained weight, will you be able to find a way to lose it? No. Because a negative mindset can only give you stress without any solution. So positivity is important. The most unwanted thing you might face is that you are not able to make decisions. We all face this thing. But have you ever given a thought that why you can not make a decision? Why do you keep changing your decisions? You face this thing because of not keeping faith in yourself. You always stay confused if it turns into a wrong decision. You keep thinking and thinking which is not always good and make you more confused. So learn to trust your intuition or gut feel. Accept that you might have to compromise a little. Finally, if your decision proves you wrong then remember that life does hand you lemons sometimes.

To wrap up, you should remember one thing very carefully that your mental health is your responsibility. No one can take care of it in the best way except for you. Spend time with yourself and try to know you better than last day, try to know your pattern of thinking, and take care of it. Because if you are mentally strong then you are the winner.


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