
Showing posts from December, 2020

Learn from 2020 and start fresh with new thoughts because it's 2021

 2020 was such a cursed year. It was so rough. We lost some of our close people, countries lost its citizens, people lost jobs and get unemployed, the slope of unemployment has increased, the economic condition fall down and so others. But this 2020 taught us how to survive in such a situation. 2020 was a year of survival. 2020 taught us how to cope up with a messy situation. That was a year of learning how to survive. It's the first day of 2021. A new year ,a new day , some new thoughts, some new hopes, some new ideas, fresh mentality. We can make our life more successful by the learning from 2020. We don't know when this pandemic will over but we know how to survive. 2020 taught us to fight and we will use this learning to make our life better. We will apply here in this 2021 that we learned from 2020. We people can make a list that how we can make this year useful. Here's some- 1. Wake up early in the morning and let yourself start a day with freshness of morning. 2. Do ...

Over planning might lead you to disappointment

Planning is a process of starting a preparation of something. Without planning you can't just jump into your preparation and it might be the reason of destroying your work. But as we know over doing anything might lead you to disappointment and this thing go with planning too. Over planning is a hindrance that can keep you away in the moment cause the whole day you just get busy to make plans and plans. But that makes you stay away from your practical life. Over planning makes an imaginary world inside your mind and you just keep imagining the things that you are planning. Suppose you are planning to write something. For this you have to make plan that what topic you will choice and what to write. But if you just keep planning and planning that sometimes make you to lose the interest from that topic and before starting write you will quit it. Over planning makes an imaginary world inside your mind which make you over confident and start expecting more from you. But that's not h...

Perfection of love : Choosing the right person who can make your life meaningful more than your expectations

 Love is a feeling that can make you the happiest person if you get your right person but also it will be a disaster if the person is not right for you. Love , respect, care ,understanding, trust & loyalty are the main elements for a perfect and sustainable love life. A perfect love life is made by two people who might not be perfect but they give their best to make their love life perfect , sustainable, full of happiness and the most important thing is there is trust between them. Life is small but this small life is best when you find your right person. A right person doesn't mean that he/she only has to say some sweet words or spend some time together or say "I love you" for thousand times. No. A right person is he/she with whom you will find the comfort zone that  you want, you can share anything about you but your person won't judge you, he/she wants to know more about you day by day , he/she will support you in any situation , when you feel cry that person c...

Self improvement is a vehicle to know more about yourself

 No one is perfect in this world. But you can improve yourself day by day. For improving yourself you have to know yourself in a better way. If you don't know who you are then how you are going to improve? First of all you have to know that who you are, what you like, how you think and others. No one can tell you about yourself better than you. So now the thing is how you are gonna know yourself better? Well, first of all ask yourself 3 questions 1. Who are you? 2. What makes you happy? 3.Where you want to find yourself in next 5 years? There can be more  questions which will help you to improve yourself but these 3 are the basics. So now let's talk about these questions. Our first question is "Who are you?" . This is the most important question. Ask yourself who are you. Like if I want to answer this question I'd love to say that I am a person who love herself a lot and always concern about how to create a place where I can stand and say with full satisfaction th...